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Consider this: You need a button to change its elevation depending on the scroll state of a RecyclerView (in fact any ScrollingView): the button...
Something I’ve only discovered after 10 years of Android development: Setting zero elevation on clickable elements causes them to not being clickable...
Oftentimes, when locally building release builds, e.g. to debug issues, you don’t have access to the signing config as you maybe just have it...
Today I stumbled about one of these tiny things which — once you uncover them — immensely ease your life. Consider a String with placeholders stored...
Let’s imagine you need to provide a gradient background consisting of arbitrarily many colors to a View. This can’t be done via regular drawable XML...
Oftentimes we find ourselves in the situation of having to pull the values of environment variables into our gradle builds — e.g. to securely provide...